Dupuis, Guillaume

Born in 1959 in Auxerre, France, Guillaume Dupuis works and lives in Montreal since 1998. A 1980 graduate of the Wnder Kelen Logelain Institute in Brussels, he has also been trained in fresco and lime stucco painting at the École d’Avignon. His use of a monochromatic palette for his paintings is reminiscent of the grisailles of the École Fontainebleau, and his style evokes the strokes of Gerhard Richter.

Dupuis’s works are included in such collections and establishments as the Palais-Royal de Raba in Morocco, the Molson Centre in Montreal, the Bombardier Group, Céline Dion’s residence and the Avmor collection in Montreal, amongst others.

Montréal no. 2

48" x 48"

Oil on canvas






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2007 Espace libre, Bd St Laurent, Montréal.
2005 O PATRO VYS Montréal
Monica la mitraille, café du SKY Montréal (au bénéfice de STELLA)
1997 Museu de l’Erotica, Barcelone, Espagne.
1996 Eurotica, Berlin, Allemagne.
1994 Accrochage et performance pour un film sur l’Art du Bondage, Montpellier ,France.
Kunst Kabinett Koln, Galerie Fur Erotische Kunst ,Cologne. Allemagne.
1991 Willy, Galerie Hélène Remy, Paris


1999 Guillaume Dupuis, Chris Mattia, Galerie Lawless, Montréal
1996 Espace Hérault, Paris
1992 Ephemerides du 43° nord 3° est, Montpellier, France