Born April 17th 1983


My path is walking, in all senses imaginable.


In the physical sense, walking is the primary way most human beings get around. We are pedestrians before anything else which defines our stage in human evolution.  Walking allows us to better understand and appreciate the terrain we dwell in.


For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in exploring new frontiers. From the schoolyard to the freightyards, marks left in the past made me appreciate the idea  that all of us are peers sharing space, and that this space keeps evolving through time as the results of our actions. Gradually curiosity over this grew within me, and brought me to discover exclusive locations (abandonned industrial buildings, down town rooftops, tunnels...) and lead me to discover different forms of painting and photography wich is still at the heart of my work today.


Turcot Parking

44 x 44"

Mixed media on canvas






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2006 to present

-  International artist, you will find his work throuout North America, Europe and Asi

- Professional muralist his clients include: la maison l’Échelon (AIEM), la CDEst, Espace pour la vie, Planetarium (Rio-Tinto), Johnson et Johnson, Hôtel Alt (groupe Germain et Quartier 10/30, Fédération des Caisses Desjardins, KIA Canada etc…

- Curator for different group shows and installations

- Corporate publicity stunts for : Casino de Montréal, Porsche, Volkswagen, Audi, Labatt …

- Live painting in events such as : le Festival de Jazz, Franco Folies, Festival International de Musique du Monde…

- Around thirty shows (solo and group) in Montréal, Québec, Calgary, Mexico and France

- Taking part in local symposiums


2006                 Community organisation l’aut’ bord du mur (YQQ): Buffing illegal graffiti and cleaning up vandalism in Montréal. Production of a documentary video showcasing the negative impacts of vandalism in a community and the tapping the potential and will of mischievers.


1997 - 2000        Helper in the first photo lab of College Français Longueuil




2008     Received first prize of the Brahma mural contest in Montrea

2007     1rst prize at the La Visitation symposium, live painting category

2007     1rst prize at Il y a de l’art dans l’air, at the Montréal Historical Center

2006     3rd prize at Il y a de l’art dans l’air , at the Montréal Historical Center