Zerbé, Alexandre
b. 1974
After having completed an Art History certificate at Université de Montréal, Alexandre Zerbé went on to obtain a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Concordia University.
Stemming from photography, sketching and drawing are at the heart of his work, creating a distinctive and personal atmosphere. His cityscapes hint at passages, amplified by a strong perspective. His main interest is to maintain continuity through the figurative lyricism of his acrylic work; the scenes he depicts often contain some miscellaneous object that seems to have been deliberately planted there, which leaves much room for interpretation. Zerbé quite enjoys emphasizing the “set-up” feeling of his paintings, as well as their playfulness.
His works are found in many private collections throughout Canada and the United States.
2010 .groupe . Urban Perspectives. Galerie SOTA (Toronto)
2009 .solo . ANIMAS (du coq à l'âne). Galerie du Viaduc (Mtl)
2008 .duo . Village Gallery (Toronto)
.groupe . Espace La Voûte (Mtl)
.duo . Keystone Art Gallery (Calgary)
2007 .solo . State Of The Art Gallery (Toronto)
.solo . Consulat général de France à Montréal (Mtl)
2006 .solo . Nocturnes. Romolo (Mtl)
2005 .groupe .Collectif imprévu. Sablo (Mtl)
.solo . Natures mortes et autres natures. Pavillon des arts (Ste-Adèle)
.duo . Spaces and portraits. Green Room (Mtl)
2004 .solo . Oniriques natures. Galerie d’art Époque (Aylmer)
.solo . Éthersections. Ò PatroVys (Mtl)
.groupe . Trois fois Trois. Célina (Paris,Fr.)
2003 .solo . Alice et Narcisse. Petit Alep (Mtl)
.diffusion à la galerie du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal (Mtl)
2002 .groupe . State Of The Art Gallery (Toronto) .groupe . Sala Rossa (Mtl) .solo . Borborygmes et gargarismes. Espace Parcours (Mtl) .groupe . Joints Gallery (Calgary) .groupe . Salon des refusés. (Mtl) .solo . Sans titre. Arts Café (Mtl)